Returning to Our Roots

Acknowledging God in our United States Constitution

Acknowledging God in our United States Constitution.

UNDER GOD, We the People is a grassroots Christian movement dedicated to rallying American Christians together in a common national goal: returning America to its Christian roots (the Mayflower Compact) by adding God to the most important document in our nation: the United States Constitution.

Latest Book Release

Are the Declaration of Independence and the U.S. Constitution based on “Biblical Principles” or Humanism?

Did You Know

– God is not acknowledged in the United States Constitution

– God is acknowledged in the Preambles of all 50 States

– 400 years ago, the Pilgrims acknowledged God when they covenanted and combined themselves in a civil body politic on these American shores?

At A Crossroads

As we stand at this amazing crossroads in U.S. history – four hundred years after the Mayflower Compact which did acknowledge God and the Christian walk, rendering America four hundred years of blessings – we face: unprecedented division in all walks of life, U.S. borders thrown open to millions of illegals, abortion protesters facing decades in prison, unimaginable outbursts of Chaos and Darkness.

Don’t you think it’s time to take cover UNDER GOD instead of under “We the People?” Because so far, “We the People” is all the covering we’ve had.

If we claim to be One Nation Under God…


Workbook and Brochures

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